Mizzou started their football season tonight with a win. They are ranked 6th in the nation but their defense needs to play better or they will only beat teams by outscoring them similar to what they did last year. You can't win the big games that way. Exciting and scary ...
My wife has a 5 day weekend which started today. Yay for both of us! She helped me with the grass piles in the yard this afternoon and I got most of the weedeating done. The grass will not stop growing! For some reason, it thinks it's a golf course ...
Had some pretty powerful storms tonight (still have a few on their way). Our electric was out for a few hours so we lit up some candles and took out the old school board game Monopoly. We all played until the electric came back on. Let's hope it stays on ...
Back to not getting enough sleep and went through a sore day today after bowling nearly crippled me last night. I can't do too many of those kind of nights much more, I'll end up rolling instead of walking. I did get to watch the movie "What Happens In Vegas" ...
Well, I made it through today. Bowling didn't go so well. About halfway through my first game, I started having pretty good pains in my leg muscles affecting how far I could bend over. Needless to say, my averages went downhill from there. Hopefully my muscles will be back in ...
It's our first day with Mom and Dad back home after having them for a week. The house sure was empty today! I sure do miss having them around. I may rent a movie tomorrow if I have the chance. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I have ...
We finished up the 3rd season of Lost today. Before we began our journey of watching the 3 previous seasons of Lost, I had them rated in quality as season 1 the best by far with 2 and 3 bringing up the distant rear. Well, being able to watch them ...
We put together a 1000 piece puzzle today. It's always fun trying to put together a nice, scenic puzzle. We watched a few more episodes of Lost, Season 3 today. I think we have 2 episodes to watch now before we are done with it. We also watched another DVD ...
We watched a movie from our DVD catalog tonight - Phone Booth. It's a pretty good movie for such a simple premise. Suspense and preying upon fear always creates a good tension filled movie experience. Watched a bit more of the Olympics. I'll be glad when it's over because the ...
Metallica released their new song today. It is their first new studio song in 5 years and it will also be the first video from their new album. The video hasn't been shown yet, but it should be on the music channels very soon. If you're a Metallica fan, you ...