Ok, I thought the Mizzou versus Kansas basketball game was today… nope. It’s tomorrow. So, I get to cheer for them tomorrow! Let’s go for it… M-I-Z Z-O-U!!!!!
We had a nice day around here today. No snow… it missed us by going south of us. We also had a birthday dinner here today for Paula’s uncle, Happy Birthday John!! His birthday wasn’t today, but we celebrated it today! He even got to blow some candles out on the best makeshift cake ever, a pair of ho-ho’s!
I watched some boxing tonight, 2 really great fights! I don’t really care who wins when the fights are good most of the time. I want people to win that deserve it and the fighters tonight really gave their all.
Rented a few movies unexpectedly… Sex Drive, pretty funny if you like crude humor… you know what that means. Nights in Rodanthe, haven’t watched yet but fully expect it to be a girly flick. And What Just Happened, a Robert Deniro movie… we haven’t watched it yet either.