Day 2 of alone time. Like I said, I don’t like it much. But, GREAT NEWS! My wife will be coming home a day earlier than expected! If everything goes as planned, she should be home before 6 tomorrow night so that will be absolutely awesome! I said yesterday I needed to read more, well today, I picked up the FairTax book and finished it – I was only 2 chapters in starting up this afternoon. All I can say is wow! That book had to be the single most rational book on taxation and reform I have ever read. It actually gives hope in how our country can change for the better as far as taxing our society goes. The FairTax book came out in 2005 and I recently picked up the followup book that was published earlier this year. I am going to read through it next. If it is anything like the original, I’m sure I will be equally enthralled. Look for an article on Synaptic Domination that’s for sure!