Doesn’t it seem like everything we do takes up so much time in our lives? When was the last simple task that you had to take care of that only took 5 minutes? Everything adds up and before you know it, the day is over. I spent today researching and working on the websites some more and before I knew it, the day was over. I can easily spend 10-12 hours working on things, researching information, and testing new ideas and it’s hard for anyone to even notice the work I’ve put in. I guess it all pays off in the end, but it sure would be nice to find some quick and simple solutions sometimes. My wife and I up to the finale of Lost, Season 1. We will finish that tomorrow night. As I’ve said before, Lost is a very good show and Season 1 is probably one of the best television seasons I’ve ever seen. Tomorrow is movie day, but I don’t know if there are any movies worth renting. If there are, I’ll let you know.