The last week was REALLY busy… As if you couldn’t have guessed with me not posting anything here or writing any articles… I had planned on doing a few but time didn’t work out.
Tuesday – Bowling as usual. I bowled a 235 game, we lost. The next 2 games, 189 and 179… we won… go figure. I had 20+ strikes and some stupid opens.
Wednesday – I got to see my sister, my niece, and my brand new niece Allie! We watched Bolt and we ate a great supper made by Morgan. We had a great night even though it was too short!
Thursday – Television night and was extremely tired.
Friday – Don’t Remember.
Saturday – Chris doctor appointment in the morning which turned out well. John and Emmi came over and we had BBQ and we played tons of Guitar Hero.
Sunday – Slept in, played hours upon hours of Guitar Hero.
That gets us to today. Nothing much happening outside of it snowing this morning… And here I thought it was supposed to be spring… Now where was all that global warming we’ve heard about? Oh, the Cardinals baseball season opened today and they played exactly like they did last year… swing at too many first pitches and they blew 2 save opportunities in 1 game. Horrible start.