Woah, I missed a few days. I wasn’t planning on being absent so long, it just happened. Let’s go through the days in short order.
Wednesday was soccer night. We played awesome! We played the best team in the league (the team that shut us out the first time with a score of at least 9-0) and played them as tough as we could. The game finished in their favor 3-2 but we played our best game of the year. I’ve never been a fan of moral victories, but that night was definitely one. I got home at about midnight. Lost was awesome that night too!!!
Thursday was television night. I watched Earl and Kath & Kim, but The Office was a re-run. I actually went to bed at 8:30 that night and was asleep in less than 10 minutes. I woke up the next morning at 7ish. I was out of gas from the previous night of soccer.
Friday was a long day. We rented a few movies this week. Still Waiting, don’t ever rent or watch it. Quarantine, pretty good for a horror movie, worth a dollar. How to Lose Friends and Alienate People, didn’t finish it, got too bored, rent at your own risk. Madagascar 2, funny, but not near as good as the first show. Body of Lies, haven’t got to watch it yet, but I have high hopes.
Mizzou’s basketball teams has risen to a national ranking of 10 this week. They won their game today. They are maturing into a very tough basketball team! My North Carolina Tarheels blew their game today and lost which made me mad. Oh, the Cardinals will NOT have Jason Isringhausen on their team this year, it’s official. Thank goodness!! I was about to promise myself that I would not watch a single inning of a Cardinal game if they brought him back this year.