Sunday, December 22, 2024 13:14

I Hate Bowling

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Posted by on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 23:14
This news item was posted in Daily Musings category and has 4 Comments so far.

targetYes, it’s true… I officially hate bowling.  The picture?  Try replacing it with a bowling ball and after this season, I will find out how a bowling ball takes being shot by an AR-15.  This will be my last season, not only because I hate bowling anymore, but because it’s also too expensive and takes entirely too much time to bowl a simple 3 games.

Tonight, I bowled 18 strikes (5 splits and several single pin spare attempts) and still failed to bowl a 600 because I couldn’t make a 7 pin to save my life.  Such bad bowling on my part and it cost us the last game of the night which we only lost by 8 pins.  On top of all that, I had to spend 20 minutes sitting on the bench waiting my turn twice, yes 2 separate times, tonight while they fixed the broken lanes.  The last time was in the 9th frame of the last game.  That seriously upset me and made me mad because I’m not the most patient person on the planet.  I had games of 200, 198, and 182 (blowing the 9th and 10th frames after the 20 minute “break”).

And so, the next 10 weeks will be the last of me in the league here at least.  I have too much other stuff to spend my time doing rather than sit and get aggravated at bowling while I sit in a smoke filled room.

I did rent 2 movies tonight – Madagascar 2 and Body of Lies.  I didn’t get to watch either so I don’t know how I’m going to watch them and return them on time tomorrow night considering tomorrow night is soccer night and both Lost and American Idol are on.  Where do I buy some time?

4 Responses to “I Hate Bowling”

  1. Ann
    2009.02.18 21:35

    I thought bowling was a team effort. Where were the other players when you missed the seven pin? If they would have picked up a few pins to make up for your missed pin, you would still have won. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It is a fun game and you need to work on your patience some more.

  2. 2009.02.19 17:57

    Work on my patience???? I think I’m light years ahead of where I used to be…

    I did have the 2nd most pins on the team, but still, I should have picked those up and then it wouldn’t have mattered what everyone else did. I expect more of myself. Other people shouldn’t have to make up for my mistakes.

  3. Diana
    2009.03.09 16:35

    spoken like the true perfectionist that you (and me) are……ditto 🙂

  4. 2009.03.09 22:18

    Sometimes I wonder if I would be better off not worrying about trying to be my best. It seems to work out for the masses of other American citizens that’s for sure. I bet their lives are a lot less stressful!

    Perfection or die is my motto! lol.

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