Sunday, December 22, 2024 17:58

Skipped Monday

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Posted by on Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 23:06
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Ok, so I missed yesterday… I came home, wrote an article for SynapticDomination, watched Heroes, and then fell asleep.  I must be getting old, that birthday wore me out lol.

The Heroes episode was one of the best since season 1.  I was very happy after the show.  I love Sylar being the ultimate bad guy… his character has always been my favorite outside of Hiro.

I rented and watched the movie “Wanted.”  Something about comic book action just doesn’t do anything for me.  Wanted had some really good action scenes, but the comic book style just came off as too dumb for me.  I can withstand movies such as Sin City and whatnot, but this one just landed on the wrong side of my taste.

Today, The Dark Knight came out and I’m planning on getting the blu-ray version.  It’s an awesome movie, well worth watching.

I bowled tonight, but I crapped out as I got too tired.  Games of 177, 206, and a horrible 138 where I didn’t have a single strike.  Our team won 1 game and total pins so we came out decent.

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