Tuesday, March 11, 2025 0:29

Shopping Day & Dinner

Posted by on Saturday, December 20, 2008, 23:02
This news item was posted in Daily Musings category and has 0 Comments so far.

dinnerMy wife and I got to go to the city today to do what Christmas shopping we were able to do this year.  It was a good day and the stores were very busy which always makes it even more fun!  We also got to have our anniversary dinner.  Pasta House was our choice and we finished things off with our favorite Silky’s ice cream.  All in all, it was a great day even if we didn’t get a whole lot.

I’ve run into a habit of falling asleep on the couch downstairs… I’m just so tired.  I’ve never been a couch or chair sleeper so that’s new to me.

Oh, while waiting in the parking lot while my wife shopped certain stores, I was able to get quite a bit of reading done.  I’m only pages away from finishing Bill O’Reilly’s book “Culture Warrior.”  I really have enjoyed reading his book and it’s a good read for all who truly care about the direction our country is heading… whether you’re a Democrat or Republican.  Next up is Ted Nugent’s “Ted, White, and Blue.”

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