Today my eyes and ears were obliterated with the television, news, and radio focus placed upon our “First Black” President. Hours upon hours of newscasts solely focused on Obama’s race and color as his true calling card. I am SO SICK of hearing about his race. Great, he’s a black man, get over it. I don’t care if he’s green, yellow, red, or an albino, what I care about is what is he going to do with this country with his Democratic brethren? And just to set the issue straight, Michelle Obama is NO Jackie Kennedy and NEVER will be. NBC, stop trying to start the bandwagon by equalizing the Obama Presidency to that of JFK. Obama is no JFK and Michelle is in fact, no Jackie.
Also today, my wife’s uncle and I went out to the shooting range to do some more target practicing. I have my AR15 sighted in at 50 yards fairly well (will be able to set it better with a shooting rest or bipod). Our Ruger 10/22’s are deadly accurate at 25 yards and still in the very accurate range at 50 yards even in windy conditions. We are also trying to get better at shooting pistols from a distance while standing. That’s coming along slowly but we’ll get there with practice.
No sports or new television to talk about. The election being over has sucked the wind out of the airwaves it seems. Oh, I watched Get Smart, go check out my Movies category to see what I thought.