We bowled tonight during the election returns. We actually won all of our points because we didn’t have to bowl anyone. We only had to beat ourselves by a certain percentage so we took care of that. The first third is now over thank goodness. I bowled mediocre since we didn’t need any extra pins to take the points. Scores of 148, 171, and 165 cement that fact.
As I said, the election returns were on as I was bowling and I saw the news that Pennsylvania was called for Obama and that’s when I knew it was over. Not long after that, Ohio was called for Obama and that was the final nail in the coffin for McCain. At least this whole political fiasco is over. Yes, it’s a fiasco in my opinion. The Democrats have been given the country on a silver platter and now anyone who opposes their agenda is basically sitting at their mercy. I knew McCain was going to lose and I had prepared myself for this fact long ago. However, it still doesn’t help me from feeling a bit sad to see how far our country has fallen when you actually look at our moral and ethical values as a nation.