Let's see, was there any new news today? If at all possible, the date of November 17th will involve me standing in an arena watching Metallica tour in support of their upcoming album, Death Magnetic. Yes, that's right! Metallica is coming to St. Louis that Monday evening and I will ...
Yes! I finished cutting the grass today. 3 days, 3-4 hours each mowing, weed eating, raking, etc. I still have some raking to do and I could do a bit more weed eating but I'm calling it over. For your pleasure, the ...
Michael Phelps won a gold medal in his first event of the 2008 Olympics. He has 7 more events scheduled and he and his team are the favorites in each. Amazing how good he is. I weed eated the yard this morning and raked up some grass clippings from what ...
The opening ceremony for the 2008 Olympics was absolutely stunning tonight. I am amazed at the focus and precision the Chinese showed during their ceremony. It was really something special. I can't imagine the energy within the stadium as they performed live. The parade of nations is nearing its end ...
I wrote a few more articles today. I've actually got them uploaded and ready to publish in advance now. It helps to have them ready to go in case I get behind or there is a slow news/idea day. We watched some more Lost tonight, we are over halfway through ...
Today was an extremely long day. Ever have those days? How come they never happen on the weekend when you could actually use the "extra" time? The weather around here is finally going to change for a short time. Cutting the upper 90 degree weather to the upper 80's with ...
Got a bit of the writing bug today. I ended up writing 4 articles today. I usually write 1 per day and then take the weekend off. But, I was on a roll today and had several ideas I wanted to get out while they were fresh in my mind. ...
We didn't get to watch any Lost tonight but we did start exercising again! We've been very bad and have forgotten about taking care of ourselves for a while after we spent months getting ourselves healthy last year. Ah well, at least we have made the decision to start again! ...
I finished up the Seinfeld & Philosophy book. 14 chapters, maybe 4 worth reading. Finishing the book became a situation of desperately wanting to reach the finish line rather than learning from the book or being entertained by the content. At least I'm done with it. We are about a ...
Today's post is only about one thing, and one thing only: New Metallica album due September 12th! Album is Titled "Death Magentic" and the following is the official track listing: That Was Just Your Life The End Of The Line Broken, Beat & Scarred The Day That Never Comes All Nightmare Long Cyanide The Unforgiven ...