After having watched a LOT of olympic coverage during the first week, and after Phelps completed his 8 for 8, I’ve lost a lot of interest in the games. Not because of the sports being played, but because of the coverage itself. I absolutely detest, hate, despise… tape delayed coverage of sporting events. I surf the internet a LOT because I read more than I do anything else. I happen to run across stories telling me what happens and if I know the outcome of an event beforehand, guess what, I’m not going to watch it. Live action from events are so much more compelling because you experience the athlete’s true emotion. You FEEL the excitement of the arena. You are involved. Have you tried watching a baseball or football game on tivo? Not the same is it? Not even close. Commercials or no commercials, nice edits or no, it’s all garbage if it isn’t live. That is the primary reason why I’ve basically cut my viewing down to almost nothing. Show me live coverage or don’t show me anything at all.