This morning, I got the call to return to our bowling team. Last year, we won first place and we have the same team back minus an injury. We should be fine. After not having bowled for about 4 months, I had no idea of what the outcome of my games would be. It’s not like I’m all that precise in my bowling anyway. Well, it turned out ok. I bowled enough strikes to keep me going while I dealt with splits and spares. I ended up with a 208, 168, and 199. Good enough. Now only if I could make a 10 pin. We watched Street Kings last night and I can say I was pleasantly surprised. It’s a movie worth renting if you like action/drama cop stories. I haven’t had a chance to read much lately but that’s ok. I’ll get back on the path. The new Metallica album is creeping closer and there are rumors of their first single appearing within the next few days.